To date, the Common Good Community Foundation's Dixie Fire Relief Fund has raised $223,836. Individual donation amounts range from $3.00 to $40,000, with several $5,000 and $10,000 donations also received. The majority of donations were received from donors throughout Plumas County and California, though donors across the United States also supported our Dixie Fire fundraising efforts. We have been humbled and amazed by the generosity and compassion of our donors and extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of you.
- $ 30,000 - Plumas Crisis Intervention/Direct services for Dixie Fire victims
- $ 15,000 - Plumas Rural Services/Gift cards and trauma counseling services
- $ 1,000 - EPCAN/Portola Food Bank/Food purchases
- $ 1,000 - Almanor Food Pantry/Food purchases
- $ 3,000 - Plumas Unified School District's Dixie Fire Employee Relief Fund
- $ 10,000 - Plumas Charter School/Trauma counseling services for students & staff
- $ 3,000 - High Sierra Animal Rescue/Assist with expenses related to the free board and care of pets belonging to Dixie Fire survivors
- $ 7,500 - Sierra Institute/Restoration & rebuilding of communities & landscapes destroyed by the Dixie Fire
- $ 3,000 - Lost Sierra Chamber/Direct and referral services for fire victims & assistance with facilitating fire donations
- $ 5,000 - Bread for the Journey/Mobile clothing donation & delivery
- $ 5,000 - Plumas County Search & Rescue/Evacuation & emergency services
- $ 7,500 - Fire Safe Council/Firewise services/Greenville and Indian Falls
- $ 3,105 - Sixty $50.00 Toy Store gift certificates purchased by the Common Good & donated to Plumas Rural Services to distribute to families
- $ 2,953 - Rent and Utilities/Greenville Dixie Fire Resource Center
- $ 1,039 - Food and Supplies/Indian Valley Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas baskets for fire survivors
- $ 3,000 - Indian Valley Food Pantry
- $ 14,166 - For the purchase of essential items for fire survivors/Greenville Resource Center including heaters, firewood, propane & winter clothing
- $ 8,000 - Gas/food cards/32 @ $250 each for fire survivors
- $ 25,000 - Sierra Institute/Indian Valley Strong Matching Campaign
- $ 20,000 - Funders Roundtable/Plumas Strong/Dixie Fire Recovery Plan Phase One
- $ 10,000 - Matching Funds/Sierra Wings Dixie Fire fundraising efforts
- $ 34,573 - Almanor Foundation/Dixie Fire Fund
-$ 3,000 - Sonoma Animal Response Team/Provided support to Plumas County Animal Control
- $ 2,500 - North Valley Animal Group/Provided emergency evacuation & care of pets & animals
- $ 3,000 - Cowboy 911/Provided emergency evacuation of livestock and large animals
- $ 2,500 - Veterinary Emergency Response Team/U.C. Davis/Shelter & medical care for evacuated animals
$ 11,000 - OUT OF COUNTY/DONATIONS AS OF 04/17/22
$ 223,836 - TOTAL DONATIONS TO DATE as of 04/17/22
$ -0- - BALANCE TO BE DISTRIBUTED as of 04/17/22
Thanks to the success of the Common Good Community Foundation’s two matching, double your donation fundraising campaigns for those impacted by the Dixie Fire, a third matching fund has now been established. The third matching fund was made possible thanks to a very generous donation of $10,000 from the Mohawk Valley Stewardship Council (MVSC.)
The donation represents proceeds from the MVSC’s raffle at the Professional Artists and Crafters marketplace on August 21st and 22nd, as well as donations to the organization's website in support of victims of the Dixie Fire.
All donations to this fund will be matched up to a total of $10,000. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and as such, all donations to this fund are fully tax deductible under EIN #46-0562482. One hundred percent of all donations, including any received over and above the $10,000 matching limit, will be distributed to agencies which are directly serving
communities, individuals and families impacted by the Dixie Fire. Once all donations are distributed, a list of agencies receiving funding will be posted on our website.
Donations can be made via PayPal on the foundation's website at www.commongoodplumas.org or by mailing donations to:
The Common Good Community Foundation
Dixie Fire Matching Fund
364 Johnsville Rd.
Graeagle, CA 96103
Cash or check donations can also be dropped off from 10AM to 3PM Monday to Friday at:
The Lost Sierra Chamber & Visitor Center
8989 Highway 89, Suites 2 & 3
Blairsden, CA 96103
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our donors who donated to our two matching campaigns. Thanks to you, the Dixie Fire Relief Fund received $20,000, which was then matched by the Common Good Community Foundation for a total of $40,000. We anticipate announcing an additional matching fund campaign shortly.